Schlaraffia Washingtonia (197)
Am 21. Juli 2023 wurde unser Freund, Kanzler, Ritter Schwachstrom in Ahalla gerufen. Nach vielen Jahren in uhufinsteren Gebieten begann er vor 5 Jahrungen seine zweite schlaraffische Karriere in der Washingtonia. Er war ein begeisterter Schlaraffia mit viel Initiativen und interessanten Beiträgen und wurde daher bald zu unserem neuen Kanzler.
Jedoch seine erste schlaraffische Karriere begann schon vor vierzig Jahrungen als er durch seinen Vater, Rt. Starkstrom, in die h. Filadelfia kam und dort bald zum Ritter Schwachstrom wurde.
Aber nicht nur sein Schlaraffentum ist etwas aussergewöhnlich, sein ganzes Leben zeigt ihm als einen aussergewöhnlichen Menschen:
Edward Kussy loved roads. He could discuss roads for hours. He may have known every major highway in America. He devoted much of his life to the study of highways and the intricacies involved in building, connecting, and maintaining them over his long career as deputy chief counsel and top career lawyer at the Federal Highway Administration in Washington, D.C. and later as a partner at Nossaman, LLP. Ed was among the nation’s leading experts on federal surface transportation policy.
At the beginning of his own road, his path in life was far more precarious. He was born in post-war Dresden, East Germany in 1947. His father, an Auschwitz survivor and his mother a Dutch resistance member lived in a dangerous situation as Cold War era tensions threatened his family’s security. After the family escaped to West Berlin, Ed, his parents and his younger sister Henriette immigrated to Detroit, Michigan in 1954. Their pictures were featured on the front pages of national newspapers.
Growing up in Michigan, Ed quickly learned to speak English and excelled at math and science. He graduated from Bloomfield Hills High School in 1965. He developed a lifelong love for classical music and discovered another passion — the stars. In college he studied astronomy at the University of Michigan. A few years later he entered the University of Michigan Law School, where he met his future wife Erika. The two attorneys settled in Alexandria, Virginia in 1973. He received an L.L.M. in Environmental Law from George Washington University Law School in 1981, where he later taught environmental law.
The integrity, logic, and ethics of the law appealed to Ed, a profession that became core to his identity. Ed held leadership roles at the Federal Highway Administration over the course of six presidential administrations, in which he worked on hundreds of cases across federal transportation programs. In addition to the federal aid highway program, he worked on issues related to the use of airspace and federal utilities policies.
His service was marked by accolades and awards for his contributions including the Secretary's Award for Outstanding Public Service--USDOT, General Counsel's Award for Lifetime Legal Achievement--USDOT, Distinguished Career Service Award--USDOT, the Lester Boykin Award--USDOT, and the Heartland Award, in honor of those who died in the Oklahoma City bombing. Several of his cases reached the U.S. Supreme Court.
After retiring from public service, Ed’s commitment to environmental law did not waiver. He joined Nossaman, LLP as a member of the Infrastructure and Environment and Land Use Practice Groups. For decades, Ed also active served on the leadership of the Transportation Research Board, a division of the National Academies.
Journeys were very much a part of Ed’s personal life. He traveled extensively with his wife Erika and later with friends, his sister, and his great-nephew throughout South America, Europe, Asia, as well as across North America. His sister and he share a fond memory of spending one month volunteering at an organization in Tanzania to improve local healthcare and education.
Ed had a wonderful wry sense of humor. He was a fervent learner who loved to visit museum exhibitions and could often be found quietly reading in a cozy chair. In his spare time, Ed enjoyed making the drive from Alexandria to Heathsville, Virginia to look out onto the Chesapeake Bay. Last spring, he took his final trip abroad with a friend. As he reflected back on his journey in his last days, he said, “I had a happy life.
He is survived by his sister Henriette Warren, niece Tamara Warren and her husband Lee Quinones, nephew Joshua Warren and wife Amanda, niece Luana Bechstein, and four great-niece and nephews.
Ein Rückblick auf unseren Ritter Henrikus:
Ritter Henrikus von Waldmannshausen, profan Heinz-Theo Paletzki, kam am 8. August 1930 in Hagen, Westfalen zur Welt.
Er und seine Burgfrau Roswitha, beide im Schneiderberuf ausgebildet, er sogar als Meister, kamen aus Deutschland Ende Januar 1962 in USA. Eine Pfaff Nähmaschine war ihr wichtigstes Gut, dass ihm sogleich Arbeit verschaffte und mit viel Fleiß bald selbstständig machte. Er und seine Burgfrau entwarfen die Kostüme für viele Hollywood Filme. Das erlaubte ihm ein sehr schönes Haus in San Franziska hoch auf einem Berg zu erwerben, und bald sogar ein zwei motoriges Flugzeug.
Durch Zufall sah er eines Tages in der Deutschen Staatszeitung den Namen unseres Ritters Manske der Roulettant aus der h. Washingtonia, seinen Schulfreund aus Deutschland. Als Heinz-Theo nach Haymarket, VA übersiedelte und mit Ritter Manske in Kontakt getreten war, überzeugten ihn Rtt. Manske und Ritter Karolus die h. Washingtonia kennenzulernen, wo er dann auch vor 13 Jahrungen Pilger wurde. Er durchlief schnell die Stände bis zum Ritterschlag, und wurde zusammen mit Ritter Rechthaber und Kreuzkümmel während der 100 Jahrfeier zum Ritter der h. Washingtonia geschlagen. Die Zeremonie wurde von den Oberschlaraffen Rtt. Favorito, Wiesokrates und Heider vollzogen. Ritter Henrikus war ein stiller, aber verlässlicher Sasse, bis durch seine fortschreitende Bresshaftigkeit Dementia, er doch vorzog mit unserem Ritter Wolfenloewe zu den Sippungen zu fahren, und dann die letzten 4 Jahrungen war er gezwungen wegen seine Krankheit von unseren Sippungen fernzubleiben.
Ritter Henrikus erreichte das 92. Lebensjahr und seit 22. November 2022 sippt er nun in Ahalla an der großen Rittertafel, wo jetzt auch sein früherer Schulfreund Ritter Manske weilt.
Geschrieben von Rt. Karolus